Sunday, September 7, 2008

Final Work

This is the final work that I allready done it.
-The tree show us we need to take care the tree.
-Nail show us a tree cannot stand it properply , this show that a tree need our supported to make a tree alive
-Bricks show us coming era will dont have a enough space to planting the tree.
-The background show us the coming era will dont have tree if we not take care the tree from now.
- Black colour of the background show us our earth almost finish if no tree

1 comment:

Koo AC said...

hi sir azhan, i see your effort of doing the best for this assignment, well done, keep up this good work! Try to improve your english when you write. Overall, idea is good, and refreshing, any new post for the suggested text that I mentioned to you that day? You can still post up, and make this blog your graphics blog in the future!